2025 PSARA WA State Legislative
Agenda Activity Report
(week of March 9, 2025)
Listed below are the Bills that PSARA is following that will have hearings in the coming week. In Washington State you do not need to attend the hearing to express your support for a specific bill, you can sign in to the Legislative Committee page and express your support or opposition. Legislators have repeatedly told us that signing in and indicating your support or opposition to a bill is very important for a bill’s success.
Check out TVW.org to watch both live and archived hearings. I highly recommend the legislative review that you can watch daily for highlights from hearings and floor action (if the links are not working please paste into your browser: https://tvw.org/shows/legislative-review/ )
Please see below for PSARA’s Weekly Legislative Report:
PSARA Weekly WA Legislative Update
March 9, 2025
Pam Crone, Chair Government Relations Committee
Dear PSARA Executive Board and Activists,
We are entering the 9th week of the 2025 legislative session and are halfway through. The next cut-off will be Wednesday, March 12. Bills that have not been voted out of their house of origin by March 12 will be dead for the 2025 session. Hearings of bills that passed the first chamber will begin Thursday in the second chamber.
HERE IS OUR ASK: SJM 8002 is on the Senate floor awaiting a vote. It must be passed off the Senate floor by March 12 or it is dead for the 2025 session. Through your advocacy, we were successful in getting it out of Rules. NOW, let’s get a vote by the full Senate.
We would like you to reach out to (1) Senator Jamie Pedersen, Senate Majority Leader, (2) Senator Marcus Riccelli, Senate Floor Leader, and (3) your own senator asking them to bring SJM 8002 to the floor for a vote. Here is a sample script. Feel free to change the wording and make it personal to you. Email addresses are jamie.pedersen@leg.wa.gov and marcus.riccelli@leg.wa.gov.
Dear Senator _________
This is a request to bring SJM 8002 to the Senate floor for a vote. SJM 8002 calls for Leveling the Playing Field between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Passage of this joint memorial will help inform and educate Congress and the Executive that Medicare beneficiaries deserve a real choice between Original Medicare, our signature public health care program for seniors and the disabled and Medicare Advantage, private industry insurance.
Again, please bring SJM 8002 to the floor for a vote. Thank you.
Lobby Day is March 18 in Olympia. March 3 is the deadline to register for transportation. These will be in-person meetings in Olympia. Click Here to Register for Lobby Day